by jomoreno | Nov 23, 2008 | News
Tervetuloa Korvat auki ry:n kamarimusiikkikonserttiin lauantaina 29.11. klo 16 Sibelius-Akatemian kamarimusiikkisaliin, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 9. Welcome to Korvat auki chamber music concert on Saturday, November 29 at 4pm. The concert will be held at the chamber...
by jomoreno | Nov 9, 2008 | News
accordionHaP is a piece for accordion and live-electronics written for the accordionist Arantza Aguirre. It is the first piece of a series – an ambitious compositional project called HaP (Homenaje a Picasso), whose main subject is Picasso and his way of...
by jomoreno | Nov 7, 2008 | News
rondóHap is part of my composition project HaP. It is a project with a lot of multidimensional homages to different personalities, artists or happenings which have influenced me at some point, having as center reference the figure of the spanish painter Pablo Picasso...
by jomoreno | Nov 3, 2008 | News
My new piece for Clarinet and Accordion HaP will be presented at a Korvat Auki concert next 29.11 at Sibelius Academy R-building Chamber Music Hall 4 pm.
by jomoreno | Nov 3, 2008 | News
I will be teaching the basics of the programming environment PWGL with some advanced examples from 14th to 16th of November within the XV Festival Punto de Encuentro, at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. More info: Festival’s Program...
by jomoreno | Oct 17, 2008 | News
In November 10th my 8 channel piece kahdeksan will be presented at the Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2008. The concert will be at Jayu Theater starting at 19:00. Here is the program of the festival: SICMF2008